“To insert another ending from another style you must first make that change and that takes up one cntrl trk measure then you enter the element in the next measure. Doesn't work, there's a lag. What does one do, fill it with a cymbal? How would you put lets say the "ending 1" from "C13 Slow Swing" and insert it at measure 100 of "C18 Big Band 3". The tempo part I've got handled. Bear in mind this is with the i30. Any ideas?” SOLUTION - Procedure Okay here is what you do. Assuming that your entire Bseq is “C18 Big Band 3”; 1st, identify the length of the ending for C13 Slow Swing (lets assume that it’s 4 measures long.) as well as the style number. 2nd, when recording the arrangement C18 in Bseq mode extend the end of the song (starting at measure 100 – like you want) by 4 more measures. 3rd, go into edit mode / page and change the track to CTRL TRK; also change the measure start value to 100 and end value to - heck that doesn’t matter as long as it’s > or = 100, then select ‘Edit Track’ from the page down window (upper right hand corner of LCD) 4th scroll down to measure 101 (you can do this either by moving the cursor down or by changing the value of the measure at the top of the screen) making sure that the cursor is on the beats per measure value (eg 4/4) 5th, press INSERT on the bottom of the screen – the i30 should now display at measure 100.00 an entry for style/arrangement. Change this parameter to arrangement (middle of display) and then select the actual value of the arrangement which in this case will be C13 (to extreme right of display). 6th , press INSERT u know where now – and change the parameter to ‘Style Element’ (middle of display) and the value to END 1 (RHS of display) 7th, as insurance, that you actually get the correct style playing, insert a ‘Style’ between step 5 and 6 with the relevant value obtained from step 1 – CAUTION, all the inserts MUST be at measure 100.00 otherwise it won’t work. 8th, press ‘Done’ on the bottom right the ‘edit track’ page and the OS will return you to the ‘Edit’ page. 9th Select measure 95 and start play back using the start/stop button and listen for the changes. It should change automatically – if it doesn’t then let me know and we’ll try something else. NOTE: you may want to insert all this stuff at measure location 99:4:95 to guarantee the change. Well Tony, I hope that this solves your dilemma. Korg products have the most powerful editing interface I have seen. Roland’s and Yamaha’s are no where near it so get to understand the idiosyncracies of the edit track page. Regards and keep on sluggin Vimlesh